A female Christian writer building an online platform using her laptop

3 Personalized Steps to Building an Online Platform as a Christian Writer

Building an online platform as a Christian writer presents unique challenges non-Christian writers might not face. Along with the technical aspects of setting up a website, starting a blog, or learning new software, as Christian writers, we want to steer clear of prideful self-promotion while stewarding all God has given us. 

So, while we may understand the value—even the necessity—of an online platform, we struggle to understand how to build that platform without compromising our Christian convictions or neglecting other important aspects of our lives. 

How to Build a Christ-Centered Online Platform

Resources to help writers build an online platform abound. I’ve benefited from many of them, but almost every one causes me to wonder if it’s right for me or how to apply it in my own unique situation. Take these three crucial steps, for example: 

Step 1: Define Your Message and Audience 

To effectively communicate, we need to be clear in our message and know our audience. We must know what we want to say and how best to say it to benefit our readers. This seems like Writing 101, but what is my message, and who is my audience? How does God want to use my writing to bless others? The experts can’t answer these questions for me; their articles, books, and courses don’t include a section that says, “Jana Carlson, this is the message God wants you to write.”

Step 2: Choose the Right Online Home for Your Platform 

It makes sense that a writer needs a central hub for their content. Usually, this is a website (with or without a blog); for some, it’s a Substack. This serves as a foundation for an online platform. Some writers choose to use social media, start a podcast, run a YouTube channel, or share content in various other forms (including in person), but a “home base” is crucial. So, we ask:

  • Which options are right for me? 
  • Which website platform is best? 
  • Where and how will I connect with my audience? 
  • If social media is right for me, which social media platform should I focus on?  

Again, the experts have their opinions, which are sometimes motivated by sponsorships or affiliations. And fair enough—they have their own platform, their own goals, their own mission. But how can I get answers that take my personal convictions, technological ability, budget, personality, writing style, audience, interests, and time constraints into account?

Step 3: Create Consistent Content with Purpose 

Armed with a clear message, an understanding of our audience, and an online hub for our content, it’s time to actually write and share our words. Now we encounter new issues: 

  • What should I write? 
  • How long should it be? 
  • When, where, and how do I share it with my audience? 

Perhaps more importantly:

  • When will I have the time, energy, and inspiration to actually produce all this content? 

Experts have their opinions on these questions, claiming to know the perfect time to publish a blog post or the most effective rhythm for email campaigns. And maybe the data backs up their claims. But I’ve often felt like I must be the exception. Sure, their numbers make sense, and their plan sounds great, but my reality is so different. And my priority is faithfulness to God, not fast-tracking it on someone else’s 12-step path to measurable success. 

Biblical Encouragement for Christian Platform-Building

In my own platform-building process, God has encouraged me with three biblical principles:

1. When God asks us to do something, He gives us what we need to do it. 

For example, He promises to give us wisdom when we ask Him for it (James 1:5). He doesn’t call us to something and then expect us to navigate the path forward in the dark. We don’t need to rely on our own limited knowledge; rather, we can trust Him to guide us (Proverbs 3:5–6). 

2. God is not limited by what’s normal or expected. 

His ways are higher (and better) than ours (Isaiah 55:8–9). This means that His plan for our lives—including our writing—doesn’t always follow a conventional path. 

3. We don’t have to do it alone.

Our God is a good Shepherd. He is always with us (Matthew 28:20). He knows our limitations, so He gave us His Spirit to help us (1 Corinthians 3:16). In this regard, we have a supernatural advantage! 

Also, God designed us to need each other. He created us for community and discipleship. And in my own writing journey, the support, encouragement, insight, and guidance of others have proven to be invaluable keys to building a God-glorifying platform. 

A Personalized Path to Launching Your Christian Writing Platform

That’s why I’ve partnered with Cara Ray and Amy Simon to provide a 6-month mentorship program just for you—The 2:2 Launch Lab. Mentorship changed our lives, and we know it will change yours. We want to save you the time, money, and frustration that we all wasted on our journey to launching a God-glorifying writing platform. We’ll come alongside you, share what we’ve learned, and help you find a clear path to fulfilling your unique call to write while considering your lifestyle, personality, goals, and the truth of God’s Word. 

It all starts with our FREE webinar: A 3-Step System for Launching Your Writing Platform. In this 1-hour training, you’ll learn how to improve your writing, connect with your audience, and build a God-glorifying platform at the same time. You’ll receive a framework that will help guide you in launching your writing life (and career).  

As we read in Proverbs 15:22, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” 

Join us for this free webinar on November 7th at 12:00 pm EST/9:00 am PST and enjoy the benefits of mentorship with three experienced Christian mentors.


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