Worthy Words (July 14)
Everyday hospitality, blessed sleep, walking worthy, and amazing statements. It is what it is.
Worthy Words is a weekly collection of curated content I consider worthy of our time.
Everyday hospitality, blessed sleep, walking worthy, and amazing statements. It is what it is.
Seeing through tears that won’t stop, potluck greens, old fragments, and the joys and lessons of a neighborhood ice cream stand during the dog days of summer
Stacking rocks, what’s a chiasm?, wise words, contentment and discontentment, writing beautifully, and an inspiring Spurgeon quote
Slow sanctification, morning phone scrolling, dirt roads, comforting others when you can’t fix things, and messing up beyond repair
May “the God of peace… equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight,
Running on empty, Mr. Meant-To, discerning God’s will, hope for the one who can’t achieve “the perfect devotional time”, & timely prayer for our nation.
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