
Ignorance Isn’t Always Bliss

What do you do when you don't know what to do? Can God give us knowledge and direction in any circumstance, no matter what? Proverbs 3:5-6 says He will!

God is omniscient (all-knowing). I thought I wholeheartedly believed this until a recent experience revealed I doubt God’s ability to help me with certain things. 

It was 3:00 pm and not a single task had been checked off my daily agenda. My head throbbed, my eyes were bloodshot, and none of the thirty-eight browser tabs I had open gave me the information I needed. 

Have you ever felt ignorant and powerless in a critical moment? Maybe you’re at a crossroads and can’t figure out which direction to take. Or you’ve stepped into a new role—like motherhood, ministry leadership, or a new position at work—and you’re overwhelmed by all there is to learn. 

That was me—faced with a monumental task, a looming deadline, and totally clueless about how to accomplish what was required.

When technical support was unable to help me, I sunk into despair. But I hadn’t prayed because I didn’t trust God to solve a problem with computer technology. He’s not going to show up at my door donning a “tech genius” uniform and carrying a trusty toolbox, right?

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV) tells us to

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him And He shall direct your paths.”

I learned this passage in song form as a child, and that stressful afternoon in front of my computer, the familiar melody broke through my mental exhaustion and cleared away the brain fog.

I decided to take God at His Word. “Lord, I know You know all things, and ‘all’ means ‘all’, so that includes all this computer stuff. It’s beyond my comprehension and I’ve exhausted every idea my human mind can muster. I can’t do this without Your help. Would you direct me to the information I need to do what You want me to do?

God didn’t supernaturally infuse unlearned expertise into my brain to help me solve the issue. But He directed me to better resources I could access and understand, and He gave a few kind experts the availability and generosity to help me when I needed it most.

Are you faced with something you don’t understand today? Is your situation beyond your own level of knowledge? No matter what it is, take it to the Lord. Lay it before Him in prayer, then wait. Maybe you need to walk away for a bit and come back to it later. Consider reaching out to a friend and asking her to pray for you, too. 

Shift your focus off the problem and onto God’s promise in Proverbs 3. He knows what You need to know, and He’ll guide your steps. 

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