A stone fortress to represent God's protection in Psalm 59:11

Something Brief, Something True—Psalm 59:11

“Do not kill them, or my people will forget; Scatter them by Your power and bring them down, Lord, our shield” (Psalm 59:11 NASB).

David wrote Psalm 59 when he began living as a fugitive, while King Saul intended to murder him. In this verse (Psalm 59:11), David expresses his concern that if his enemies were slain, his people would forget their dependence on God. It was more important to David that his people worship God than that they feel completely safe and secure. 

I’m challenged by David’s perspective. When I face difficulty, is comfort my primary focus, or am I more concerned with God’s glory throughout the experience? As David reminds us here, God is our shield, our Protector. We can trust him to accomplish his purposes in our lives—for our good and his glory.

I wrote this short encouragement from Scripture in response to Jacob Crouch’s “Something Brief, Something True” post. His goal is to encourage others to write, and I share that goal! Would you join us?


  1. Choose a verse that encourages you.
  2. Write the verse at the top of the page.
  3. Write a quick encouragement that simply explains the verse and why it’s encouraging.
  4. Share a link to the post in the comment section here and on Jacob’s post.

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4 Responses

    1. Yes! Stephanie, I read your post, too. For any readers here who’d like to read Stephanie’s contribution to this initiative, you’ll find it here.

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