Mashed Potatoes on the Ceiling

mashed potatoes on the ceiling

It’s unlikely you’ve ever had to scrub dried mashed potatoes off your ceiling, but I have. Let me tell you how it happened and how it relates to the gospel.

Scattered Seeds

dandelion seeds blowing in the wind

Do you ever wonder if your efforts matter? God’s Word offers encouragement for us in the plodding and sometimes wearying work of everyday faithfulness.

Restore the Wonder

glorious mountain range at sunrise with glowing forest and fields in the foreground

It’s easy to lose our wonder and appreciation of things we see or experience regularly. It happens with our surroundings, and it happens with the gospel.

Killing Mice and Conquering Sin

killing mice and conquering sin

A recent home invasion by mice reminded me of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ—the most effective strategy for resisting temptation and conquering sin.

Love & Lost Causes

man lost in the woods

Most people would give up on a lost cause, but in the Kingdom of God, there are no lost causes. There is hope because there is One who loves, seeks, and saves.