a simple beginner's checklist for SEO

Writers’ Bloc Podcast: A Simple Beginner’s Checklist for SEO

Join me for a conversation with Cara Ray about how to serve your readers with my simple SEO strategy. It's perfect for beginners!

If you’ve ever wondered about SEO (search engine optimization), this podcast episode is for you! My simple SEO checklist eliminates the guesswork and makes SEO achievable, even for beginners.

SEO is a great way for you, as a Christian writer, to serve your audience in a natural, manageable, and effective way without feeling salesy or experimenting with complex marketing strategies.

In this conversation with Cara Ray of The Writers’ Bloc podcast, we talk about how SEO is an undervalued but highly profitable tool Christian writers can use to get their words and messages out to the world. My simple SEO checklist provides an easy-to-follow strategy any blogger can follow.

Listen to this podcast episode here or on your favorite podcast streaming service. 

For a step-by-step, detailed, real-time walkthrough using easy SEO strategies to write a blog post, sign up for my next 90-minute workshop, or join the Writers’ Bloc community for access to a previous teaching. Use this link to get a one-week free trial!

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