Bible Study Tips for Beginners: How to Use Cross-References in the Bible
What are cross-references? Why bother reading them? How should we read or use cross-references in personal Bible study? Get answers here!
Help Wanted
Does your work or ministry feel like a “have-to”? God’s Word provides a surprisingly encouraging perspective of our service.
Retired From Resolutions
Few things are more enjoyable to me than sitting down with a notebook and calendar, setting goals, scheduling tasks, and planning to accomplish great things. I used to do this religiously twice a year—in January and June. But not anymore. Here’s the thing: I’m out of control. I mean, I literally do not have control […]
6 Ways to Please God
Did you know that God is easier to please than people? The Bible makes it clear. We can start with these six ways to please God.
How to Build a God-Honoring Platform
When you read the word “platform” concerning a Christian writer, do you cringe? I get it. As Christians, we rightly resist self-promotion. But for any writer who takes the call to write for God’s glory serious, we inevitably face the challenge of how to steward our message well—how to connect our words with our readers. […]
3 Personalized Steps to Building an Online Platform as a Christian Writer
Building an online platform as a Christian writer presents unique challenges (and blessings) non-Christian writers might not experience.
Why is God late?
Why is God late? How can we maintain our faith in him when God delays answering our prayers? The account of Lazarus’ death in John 11 provides helpful insight.
Effective Evangelism: Encouragement for a Wavering Witness
Evangelism is hard for me. While some people effortlessly direct conversations to the gospel of Jesus Christ, I flounder with words, doubt the efficacy of my testimony, and sometimes hesitate to talk about my faith because I fear it may offend or the timing may not be appropriate. Most of us know someone for whom […]
The Cure for Backseat Drivers
An uptight backseat driver reminded me of a calming truth from God’s Word—it’s possible to “be still” because God is trustworthy.
Productivity & Pleasing God
The Bible offers a hopeful perspective on productivity and success. Our efforts are not wasted, regardless of the results.