Love & Lost Causes
Most people would give up on a lost cause, but in the Kingdom of God, there are no lost causes. There is hope because there is One who loves, seeks, and saves.
Most people would give up on a lost cause, but in the Kingdom of God, there are no lost causes. There is hope because there is One who loves, seeks, and saves.
My mom, Mary, and Martha show us that when we love to serve so much that we fail to connect with the One we serve, we’re missing out on the most important part.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we have a spiritual scent. With it, we can attract others and be a pleasing aroma to the Lord. But we can also give off a stench.
Is it possible to be thankful in hard times? How are we supposed to be thankful to God for everything? The Bible teaches how to give thanks in all things.
I wore my devotional diligence as a badge of honor, but it was actually a Pharisaical robe. When I learned what true righteousness looks like, things changed.
“Wield the Word” has a double meaning. Words are powerful tools or weapons. Using them comes with risks and rewards. How do we live and write for God’s glory?
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