Carefree & Joyful in the Light of the Sun

I didn’t expect the book of Malachi to point me to the hope we have in Jesus Christ—perfect Good News for dreary days and downcast souls that need uplifting.
What’s Your Spiritual Scent?

As followers of Jesus Christ, we have a spiritual scent. With it, we can attract others and be a pleasing aroma to the Lord. But we can also give off a stench.
4 Common Causes of Writer’s Block in the Christian Writer + Free Download!

Writer’s block is an inevitable part of life as a writer. These 4 common causes of writer’s block can be overcome using a biblical approach. FREE DOWNLOAD!
How to Avoid Spiritual Eye Strain With Multi-Focal Lenses

Reading the Bible with a singular focus causes spiritual eye strain. Here’s how to see the Bible through multi-focal lenses and experience greater benefits.
How to Be Thankful in Hard Times

Is it possible to be thankful in hard times? How are we supposed to be thankful to God for everything? The Bible teaches how to give thanks in all things.
Am I Called By God to Write?

Am I called by God to write? How do we discern God’s will if the answer isn’t explicitly stated in the Bible—”Jana, I want you to be a writer”? Here’s my story.
How the Gospel Infuses Our Dutiful Devotions With Delight

I used to dutifully have daily devotions so I could check the box on my Bible reading plan. But my time in God’s Word lacked delight. The Gospel changed that.
I Became a Bible-Reading-Routine Pharisee & How to Avoid My Mistake

I wore my devotional diligence as a badge of honor, but it was actually a Pharisaical robe. When I learned what true righteousness looks like, things changed.
5 Little Words That Improve Your Writing Every Time

Writing for God’s glory is hard work. These 5 simple & practical quick tips inspired by the Bible will improve your writing every time, no matter what you write.
The True Story of How God Convinced Me to Study the Bible

An unexpected opportunity revealed that my devotion to Christ lacked a crucial component. This served as the catalyst for a lifelong Bible study journey.