Worthy Words (July 7)

Seeing through tears that won’t stop, potluck greens, old fragments, and the joys and lessons of a neighborhood ice cream stand during the dog days of summer
Worthy Words (June 30)

Stacking rocks, what’s a chiasm?, wise words, contentment and discontentment, writing beautifully, and an inspiring Spurgeon quote
Worthy Words (June 23)

Slow sanctification, morning phone scrolling, dirt roads, comforting others when you can’t fix things, and messing up beyond repair
Worthy Words (June 16)

May “the God of peace… equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen” (Hebrews 13:20-21 NASB). This week on the blog: How Does God Guide Us? HAPPINESS IS…? | CHERYL BALCOM […]
Worthy Words (June 9)

Running on empty, Mr. Meant-To, discerning God’s will, hope for the one who can’t achieve “the perfect devotional time”, & timely prayer for our nation.
Worthy Words (June 2)

A highlight of this week was a walk in the park with my mom on Tuesday afternoon. We heard countless species of birds—I have a “thing” for birds—and saw a real live beaver, a deer, a couple of geese with eight adorable goslings, and a mallard duck couple enjoying a trickling stream. God’s marvelous creation […]
Worthy Words (May 12)

May your weekend be filled with reminders of God’s matchless grace and unconditional love. If you’re a mom, you miss your mom, your relationship with your mom is/was complicated or painful, you long to be a mom, or if Mother’s Day is challenging for you for any reason… I pray that you might experience tangible […]
Worthy Words (May 5)

I didn’t add a new post to the blog this week because I focused all my writing time and energy on my monthly Worthy Words newsletter, which landed in inboxes on Monday. THE LION WILL ROAR | KRISTIN COUCH Kristin is, by far, one of my favorite online writers. Equally entertaining and enriching, her descriptive […]
Worthy Words (April 21)

Good morning! May this week’s links inspire you to know Jesus more and to delight in His Word. The latest post on the blog: 4 Common Causes of Writer’s Bloc in the Christian Writer + Free Download! KEEPING YOUR DAILY DEVOTIONS FRESH | PAUL TAUTGES It’s written for pastors, but it applies to all of […]